Friday, January 30, 2009

2009/01/30 - Day 22: High intensity

I decided today to switch around my usual high intensity day sequence by doing the bodyweight work first and then the kettlebell sets. This is what it looked like:

BWER hybrid routine: 5 supersets / 45 seconds per exercise / 90 seconds rest:

Quad squat / Rocca

One legged squat / Lateral leg swoop

Pike / Crow

Jump squat / Reaching arch

Kettlebells: 16kg / 3 minutes work / 1 minute rests

One arm jerk: 24/24

Snatch: 24/24

Press: 17/18

I cooled down with a bit of the Prasara yoga Flock of Pigeons flow.

The change in sequence made the kettlebell, interesting. I could feel that I had to work harder than normal to make my target numbers in the latter parts of the jerk and snatch sets and I ended up being one number short of my target on the left arm presses. I actually quite like the pre-fatigue caused by the bodyweight work since it makes the bell sets more intense and really forces me to focus on technique and finding places for brief rests during the sets. I must just continue with this sequence for a while and see what happen when I do kettlebell sets totally fresh again.

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