Wednesday, January 14, 2009

2009/01/14 – Day 6: Ever increasing intensity

I’m beginning to really understand what is meant by high intensity. The 4x7 protocol really lends itself to high intensity training, specifically on one day out of each 4 day cycle. I have struggled in the past to figure out ideal ways to modulate the intensity of my training sessions which resulted either in under- or over- training. With the 4x7 that seems to be something of the past. Today was a perfect example. I did the second of my high intensity sessions in my current 28 day macro-cycle and managed to nicely up the intensity compared to the first high intensity day. This was my session:

Kettlebells: 16kg / 3 minutes work / 2 minute rest

One Arm Jerk: 24/24

Snatch: 24/24

Press: 18/18

Body Weight Exercise Revolution high intensity session:

5 supersets of 6 reps per exercise / 2 minute rest of:

Quad Squat, Spinal Rock, Leg Swoop, Jump Squats

The kettlebell session went well but I could feel my breathing starting to rush about midway through the snatch set. The body weight stuff was again a smoker, but a bit better than the previous day I did this circuit.

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