Saturday, August 23, 2008

2008/08/23 - Back in business

I've been lying low the past couple of days. Today I decided that it is time to put the past behind me and get on with business. Here is todays' session"

Intuflow beginner level

One Arm Jerk (16kg): 10 minutes @ 9rpm: 90
Snatch (16kg): 4 minutes @ 12rpm: 48

Swing (32kg): 10/10

Once through the Cricket flow.


Howie B said...

10 minute set!?!?!? Wow, now that's quite a jump!! How do you feel?

hunashaman said...

Hey buddy. Training wise I feel good. The ten minute jerk set is not too taxing. Next week I'll probably go for a 12 or 14 minute set. I still feel shaken after the other night but it is getting better.