Friday, June 6, 2008

2008/06/06 - Inspired by Howie

Today's training was inspired by Howie Brewer who has been posting some of his experiences with the AKC's new fitness protocol on his blog. This is what I did today:


OAJ (16kg): 90 seconds: 15/15
Two minutes rest
Snatch (16kg): 90 seconds: 20/20
Rest 2 minutes
OA LCCJ: 90 seconds: 10/10
4 minutes rest

OAJ (16kg): 90 seconds: 15/15
Two minutes rest
Snatch (16kg): 90 seconds: 20/20
Two minutes rest
OA LCCJ (16kg): 90 seconds: 11/11

20 minutes of yoga and qigong.

I like the variety offered by the AKC fitness protocol. It was a nice break from the longer straight sets I've been doing lately. I might mix this type of training into my regular protocol once or twice a week.


Howie B said...

Thank you for the props Johan! And I am now getting interested in adding longer single sets into my practice. We're sharing!!

hunashaman said...

Hey Howie! Nice to see you here. I'm getting famous. Thanks for the comments.