Friday, July 18, 2008

2008/07/18 - A workout on Madiba day

Today is the great Nelson Mandela's (Madiba as he's affectionately known) birthday so before I get to business I just want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY MADIBA!

I started out with Intuflow beginner level as my warm up.

This was followed by 3 minutes of the following with 90 seconds of rest between sets:

Press (16kg): 15/15
Push Press (16kg): 18/18
Bottom up clean (16kg): 18/18

Swing (32kg): 10/10

Prasara yoga to finish off.

Enjoy the weekend everyone!

1 comment:

Howie B said...

Nice bottom up cleans. I have yet to attempt those with the 16kg (maybe this coming week).

Does the Intuflow DVD have different levels of practice on it?