Monday, October 26, 2009

2009-10-26 - Starting my first "test" week

Lately I've been doing mainly volume work in a rep rather than timed format. In order to gauge my progress (or lack thereof) the last week of each month will be a test week. I intend on doing 4 sessions this week, 2 with the 16kg and 2 with the 24kg to see where I'm at. The session today went like this:

Warm up: Z NWU 1

16kg OAJ: 8 minutes @ 9rpm

32kg swing: 15/15

24kg Bent over row: 3x5/5

Systema basic exercises

So what have I learnt so far? The Jerks were easy but the rack position wasn't. It seems to me that volume work "greases the groove" when it comes to the actual execution of the lift but perhaps lacks a bit when it comes to longer sets that require a solid resting position. This is something my next month needs to look into (perhaps via more rack holds). The 16kg set actually felt pretty easy (apart from the rack part) and I'm pretty sure that I can work at this weight at a higher rpm. Tomorrow I will test snatching with the 16kg (my weak exercise). I'm not expecting much, perhaps only a 6 minute set, but we'll see how it goes.

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