Monday, March 22, 2010

A few days of light training

Lately I’ve been focusing on stretching to get rid of the tightness in my body. I’ve tried various approaches to joint mobility with limited success and eventually realized that my joints are pretty mobile -  the issue I sit with has to do with overly tight muscles rather than immobile joints. After about two weeks of exclusively stretching I felt so much better that I decided to gradually work the bells back into the equation. So far so good. I did the following short session over the past few days:


16kg Cleans: 2 minutes

16kg OAJ’s: 2 minutes

16kg Snatch: 2 minutes

24kg Swings: 10/10


16kg Cleans: 2 minutes

16kg Push Press: 2 minutes

16kg Snatch: 2 minutes

24kg Swings: 10/10


16kg Press: 2 minutes

16kg OAJ’s: 2 minutes

16kg Snatch: 2 minutes

24kg Swings: 12/12


16kg Cleans: 2 minutes

16kg OAJ’s: 2 minutes

16kg Snatch: 2 minutes

24kg Swings: 12/12

I’m taking things pretty easy with the bells at the moment and I’ll maintain the stretching program to keep myself loose and limber. I wish I started listening to my body sooner. A lot of people seem to think that stretching is not necessary; well, for me it is.

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