Wednesday, February 27, 2008


More EDT

PR1: Floor press (72x24kg) / Rows (70x24kg)

PR2: Swings (100x24kg) / Russian twist (40x24kg)

Monday, February 25, 2008


More EDT:

PR1: Military press (24kgx56) /Pull ups (9)

PR2: Front squats (40kgx20) / Snatch (24kgx64)

Get up sit ups: 4x5 with 24kg

Friday, February 22, 2008

2008-02-22 Starting an EDT cycle


PR1: Military press (24kgx54) / Pull ups (8)

PR2: Front squats (40kgx18) / Snatch (24kgx60)

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


5 rounds of:

Floor presses 5/5

Swings 10/10

Russian twist 5/5

1 Arm rows 5/5

Tactical lunges 5/5

All done with the 24kg kettlebell. Time: 27,2 minutes

Monday, February 18, 2008


5 rounds with the 24kg kettlebell of the following (training time: 32,5 minutes):

MP x 5/5

Swings x 10/10

Get up sit up x 5/5

Snatches x 5/5

Squats x 5

Saturday, February 16, 2008


Four rounds with the 24kg kettlebell. Training time: 24,15 minutes.

MP x 5/5

Swings x 10/10

Get up sit up x 5/5

Snatches x 5/5

Squats x 5

Thursday, February 14, 2008


4 rounds of:

Floor presses 5/5

Swings 10/10

Russian twist 5/5

1 Arm rows 5/5

Tactical lunges 5/5

All with the 24kg bell. Training time: 20 minutes

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


4 rounds of:

MP x 5/5

Swings x 10/10

Get up sit up x 5/5

Snatches x 5/5

Squats x 5

All of the above with the 24kg bell. Training time: 28,5 minutes.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


3 rounds (with 24kg bell) of:

Floor presses 5/5

Swings 10/10

Russian twist 5/5

1 Arm rows 5/5

Tactical lunges 3/3

Training time: 15,5 minutes

Monday, February 11, 2008


4 series of:

MP x6/6x1 and 5/5x2 and 4th series set 6/6 with 16kg

Swings x 10/10

Get up sit up x 5/5

Snatches x 5/5

Squats x 5

Everything done with 24kg bell except last series of MP (16kg bell). Training time: 26,5 minutes

Saturday, February 9, 2008


2 Rounds of the following with no rest between exercises: 2 minutes rest between sets. All done with the 16kg bell.

Swings 10/10

Floor press: 12/12

Rows: 12/12 and 10/10 in second round

Military press: 10/10 and 8/8 in second round

Tricep crush extension: 5

Bicep crush curl: 5

Standing wrist curls: 5/5

Russian Twist: 10/10

Squat: 10

My muscles feel a lot more pumped and sore after this than when I work heavier but with lower reps.

Training time: 22 minutes

Friday, February 8, 2008


4 Series with 24kg kettlebell of:

MP x6/6x1 and 5/5x3

Swings x 10/10

Get up sit up x 5/5

Snatches x 5/5

Squats x 5

Training time: 26,5 minutes

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

2008-02-06 - Training for today

Still following the PHA training program:

Everything done with the 24Kg.

3 series of:

MP x6/6x1 and 5/5x2

Swings x 10/10x2 and 5/5x1

Get up sit up x 5/5

Snatches x 5/5

Squats x 5

1 series of:

Floor press x 6/6

Swings x 5/5

Russian twist x 5/5

Snatch x 5/5

Tactical lunge x5/5

Training time: 26,5 minutes

Monday, February 4, 2008

Today's training

I've been following PHA (peripheral heart action) type kettlebell training for about a week. Today's training:
3 rounds of: Military press 6/6 and 2x5/5, Swings x 10/10, Get up Sit up x 5/5, Snatches x 5/5, Squats x 5. I cycled through three rounds with one minute rest between rounds. This was followed by 5/5 floor press and 5/5 Russian twist. All the above was completed with a 24 Kg kettlebell.